Clubs and
Our curriculum at St. Cuthbert's is directed by the National curriculum but we add lots, lots more that helps make us the unique school that we are. Our staff, families and children work very hard throughout the year to make St. Cuthbert's a community that is more than just a school. Our curriculum enrichment shows children what they can achieve and we are always delighted when children and families share what they are doing away from school- inspiring us all. When children and families move on from St. Cuthbert's they never leave us and this can be witnessed in the number of people who join us for our collective worships, nativities, our termly Mass, and lots of other whole school events. We enhance our curriculum in many different ways. Wherever possible we inter-connect our subjects and learning making sure that children have many opportunities to revisit their learning and experiences and therefore deepening their knowledge of the national curriculum. We go further at St. Cuthbert's and have whole school books, art work, poems, questions and themes every half term as well as events and celebrations that bring all our children, staff and families together- weekly. We have a very rich curriculum which embraces all the cultures, faiths and influences in our community.
Another way we support each other as a community is through our school clubs. All clubs at St. Cuthbert's are free of charge to everyone and all children, from Nursery to Year 6, are given the opportunity to be part of a club through the year. We see our clubs as another way for children from different classes to be together, sharing learning and fun. Our clubs also involve families and our weekly family club is one of the most popular clubs every week. All families can sign children up for clubs before the start of each half term and our school staff dedicate their own time making sure clubs are inclusive, enjoyable and most importantly- fun. When people talk about what makes St. Cuthbert's different from other schools our clubs are one of the things that are talked about. During the last two years our clubs have included activities before school, during lunchtime and, most commonly, after school. clubs that we have run over the past two school years include:
Mini Mini Vinnies for Reception Class and years 1 and 2 all year
Mini Vinnies for years 3, 4, 5 and 6 all year
Football club for years 3, 4, 5 and 6 all year
Campfire club for all classes on a half termly rota throughout the full year. Siblings, including Nursery children join campfire club as well
Family club open to the whole school, including Nursery families, all year
Cycling club for years 4 and 5 all year
Art club for years 3, 4, 5 and 6 half termly
Sport and Well-being club for years 3 and 4 half termly
Mighty Minds Club for years 5 and 6 half termly
Musical Theatre for years 3, 4, 5 and 6 half termly
Comic Creators Club for years 3, 4, 5 and 6 half termly
Chatter Books for years 1 and 2
Singing for whole school, half termly
Science for whole school half termly
First Aid Club for years 3, 4, 5 and 6 half termly
Lego Club for years 1 and 2
Rockstar Maths for years 3, 4, 5 and 6 half termly
Eco Club for year 1 and 2
Creative Graphics Club for years 3, 4, 5 and 6 half termly
Mindful Colouring years 2, 3 and 4
Ukulele Club for years 5 and 6 half termly
Board Games for Reception Class and years 1 and 2
Traditional Playground Games planned and led by grandparents for all classes
Clubbersize for all families half termly
Saturday family cycles half termly
Fakeaway Cooking Club for whole school half termly
Loose Parts Play Club for whole school
Intergenerational Club working with families and local residential care homes