Below are a selection of the polices we have in place at St. Cuthbert's, paper copies of all our policies are available from our school office upon request. You can contact the school office by phone on 0191 691 9876 or by email at office@stcuthberts.email. Bishop Bewick policies are available on the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust website. You open each policy listed below by clicking on each link, policies will open in a new window.
Anti Bullying Policy 2024.2025
Charging and Remissions Policy 2024.2025
Child Friendly Complaints Policy 2024.2025
Data Protection Policy 2024.2025
Infection Control Policy 2024.2025
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024.2025
SEND Information For Children 2023.2024
Sun Safety and High Temperatures Policy 2024.2025
Whistle Blowing Policy 2024.2025