Intergenerational Partnerships
Intergenerational work takes place throughout the year at St. Cuthbert's and includes work and projects children do within our parish, our local community and with our wider school family.
Intergenerational Learning is defined by the European Map of Intergenerational Learning (EMIL) as: “The way that people of all ages can learn together and from each other. Intergenerational Learning is an important part of Lifelong Learning, where the generations work together to gain skills, values and knowledge. Beyond the transfer of knowledge, Intergenerational Learning fosters reciprocal learning relationships between different generations and helps to develop social capital and social cohesion in our ageing societies. Intergenerational Learning is one way of addressing the significant demographic change we are experiencing across Europe and enhancing intergenerational solidarity through intergenerational practice.”
At St. Cuthbert's our Intergenerational Work goes on all year, from children visiting our local residential care homes throughout the year to families and friends joining us for Family Club and other activities both before and after school. Activities always include time for adults and children to work together and time for adults to have time to talk when the children play. St. Cuthbert's is also represented on the management committee for our local PACT group which runs weekly in North Shields. The Parents And Communities Together groups give families with young children a space and forum to meet every week and give children space to play and adults time to talk to each other and to get help and advice on a wide range of topics.
Our intergenerational work is very popular throughout our school community and it helps our children and wider community understand and respect the protected characteristics they learn about at school. You can see some examples of our children's work in action in the gallery below.