What We Do

At St. Cuthbert's we believe that our curriculum is enriched by all the experiences our children and families get beyond the national curriculum. We have fantastic partnerships with organisations within our local area, our wider region and across the world and these partnerships help our school make a positive difference to the lives of other people and our children, their families and our staff. Our children, families and staff have been awarded the UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award and are the first primary school to be awarded the Children in Crossfire Compassionate Schools Award. We have very proactive student groups within school led by our Mini Vinnies, our Mini Mini Vinnies and our student council. Each group is open to all children at school and are not restricted by numbers which means our Mini Vinnies group is made up of almost all the children in Key Stage 2 and our student council represents every class. We are also part of Tyne and Wear Citizens and were one of the first primary schools to join the organisation which is a local branch of the wider Citizens UK organisations. Our children, families and staff have successfully campaigned with Tyne & Wear Citizens to have a pedestrian crossing installed outside school and to have Scott's Park play area renovated with new play equipment installed and worked with North Tyneside Council to install bins in our area and to address dog fouling. Our Mini Vinnies and student council have also led our whole school and parish community in raising over £5500 to build a health centre in Panama, over £5000 to build an early years school in Tanzania and been part of many events raising donations of food, clothing and items for personal care for North Shields charity Nite Bite. You can read more about what we do by clicking on the links below and you can see more by visiting our Curriculum Page on this website and our YouTube Channel.

Mini Vinnies
St. Cuthbert's Mini Vinnies are the heartbeat of everything that happens at St. Cuthbert's. More 60 members of the team meet weekly to plan, lead and deliver whole school initiatives and celebrations. They speak regularly to Mini Vinnies at other schools and have spoken at regional and national St. Vincent de Paul conferences, they are living proof that people need people.
Global Partnerships
From North Shields to Derry, to Brazil to Tanzania; St. Cuthbert's children have made connections with schools and organisations across the world. Working in partnership with children across the globe, they are making a positive difference to their world and helping to create a better future for us all.