Coronavirus Covid- 19 Information
We continue to follow government advice about coronavirus, COVID-19. The government's advice to everyone including schools is currently:
School is to remain open and not close unless directed to do so.
Children or staff with a high temperature or continuous cough to stay at home for 7 days.
Advice to schools, including about travellers returning to the UK and confirmed cases of COVID-19 has been updated.
The importance of good personal hygiene, including regular hand-washing, to prevent the spread of infection continues to be stressed.
The government wants schools to remain open and not close unless directed to do so. We will continue business as usual as much as possible and assess each off-site trip, club and activity and make decisions on each thing carrying on as and when needed. We will continue to contact everyone about what is happening at school through ParentMail .
The government expects pupils or staff with a high temperature or continuous cough to stay at home:
It is for families to decide if pupils need to stay at home.
If you decide your child needs to stay at home, tell us as soon as possible. Absence from school will be authorised.
Individual members of staff will also need to decide if they need to stay at home.
We may experience more members of children and staff needing to stay at home and this might put pressure on our ability to operate as we usually do. It has become harder for all schools to find agency (supply) teachers to cover day-to-day teacher absence and as yet we have not needed to do this. As always the care and safety of all our children is our priority and class sizes may increase to split classes if any staff are absent.
Like us, you will hear about different schools taking different approaches to the current situation. We will always keep you as up to date as possible with what is happening at St. Cuthbert's through ParentMail and Twitter and as frequently mentioned, we do not use WhatsApp, Facebook, Instragram or any other social media or messaging platform to communicate with our school community. If you read any information that isn't here, on our Twitter or been sent through our ParentMail we can not guarantee that it is accurate.