UNICEF Rights Respecting School

Being a Rights Respecting School means that we have embedded the ethos that all children have rights which must be respected. The United Nations Convention of Rights of the Child (UNCRC) are paramount and underpin all that we do, enabling children and adults to understand their value and worth. Policies, school development plan, subject action plans, whole school plans and enrichment days and focused weeks include references to the rights of the child, demonstrating that these UNCRC values support all we do as staff, pupils and as a school community. St. Cuthbert's Catholic Primary School has recently been awarded our Gold Award.
Whole School Approach:
The article in the CRC are shared with our children daily through lessons, through general conversation, in displays and when discussing decision making on any level at school. Children are involved in decision making, from appointing new staff to planning and evaluating our school development plan. The common thread that runs through our every day life, and helps us make the right choices, is the CRC.
Rights Respecting Events:
Throughout the year, St. Cuthbert's Catholic Primary School takes part in many events and fundraising opportunities to support our local, national and global communities. As part of our Harvest Celebrations we collect large amounts of food donations for Nite Bite, our local food bank and at Advent and Lent our fundraising goes to CAFOD and Children in Crossfire for our global neighbours.
Articles and Us:
As part of our practice we underpin and link all we do to the CRC articles of children’s rights. As a school, our School Development Plan and Policies are all linked to articles from the Convention. The children and staff are able to link all they do to how it relates to the rights of the child.
Pupil Voice:
Pupil voice is valued at St. Cuthbert's and we have a range of child led teams to ensure the children of our school are given representation of their opinions and ideas. We have School Council, Eco Monitors, Curriculum Leaders, RRSA steering group, Mini Vinnies, Citizen's UK reps and nursery nurturers and year 6 buddies who all work along side adults to bring the best for every child at our school.